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Table of Contents
The purpose of CHAMP is to develop resources to help support Chinese workers both within and from China. One of our initial projects was to translate, write, and field test several articles relating to “member care”. Little material of this nature is currently available in Chinese. As is true in other countries, without sufficient member care, many workers will seriously struggle and likely leave their work prematurely. These member care materials have been put together under the name Running to Win—Resources for Chinese Workers. They serve as an important reference point as Chinese Christians develop their own strategies for effective cross-cultural work. Each article has a short introduction to orient the readers about its relevance to the Chinese contexts. There are also audio portions (the overall introduction and case studies) on the CD/web site. Other materials will be added in the months ahead and will be available at
Case Study 1: Why Survive When We Can Thrive?
When churches send their own workers to other countries, they need to do so with longevity in mind. In this story, a Chinese couple shares the dangers they faced on the field during their first term.
Case Study 2: Wounded Healers
Married couples in cross-cultural work need to have healthy marriages in order to work effectively. Every couple will have many ups and downs in their relationship, family, and ministry.
Case Study 4: Our Journey into Missions
This is a first-hand account with practical insights into culture, language learning, work, and adjustment to life in Africa, as well as to life back “home.”